[긴급] 이더리움 클래식 매수전략 이클 총정리

2018. 3. 3. 00:31가상화폐/기술적분석

안녕하세요 서우모입니다.

이더리움 클래식 (이클ETC)가 제생각으로는 한번 반등크게 떡상할꺼같아서 총시드머니의 40프로를 매수했고 꾸준히 평단을 낮추고있습니다 . 최대 45프로까지 생각하고있습니다.

1. 3월5일 예정인 하드포크와 에어드랍 

사실 이클 칼리토스인가 ? 에어드랍은 그렇게 기대안하고있습니다. 해봐야 예상가격이 500원정도로 떳고 그냥 주면 받고 아님 말고 ? 

어차피 한국거래소에 상장 예정도아니고 현금화 시키기도 힘들겁니다.

기대하고있는건  바이낸스에서 에어드랍을 지급 하냐 안하냐를 보고있습니다.

바이낸스에서 에어드랍을 진행한다고하면 네오의 가스의 경우처럼 10프로 이상떡상가능할수있습니다. (찌라시및 펌핑재료방들에 바이낸스 칼리토스 스냅샷 및 에어드랍을 진행한다고 찌라시고 돌고있습니다)

바이낸스 포스팅 보러가기

2. 센트라의 ETC 이클 지원 

센트라는 비트.이더리움.대쉬.라이트코인.모네로.제트캐쉬.이더리움클래식. ERC20(이더리움 기반토큰)을 사용하는 결재용 체크카드 플랫폼입니다.

BANCORP BANK. VISA. MASTER 라이센스를 계약완료했으며. 뱅코프은행과 직접 계약체결도 했습니다.

올해 텐엑스.모나코 등과 결제플랫폼에서 싸워야 할 블록체인입니다.

지원하는 종류만봐도 속칭 대장님과 고평가되고있는 코인들만 있습니다. 그리고 체크카드도 같이 지원한다는점에서 높게 평가받고있습니다.

3.ETC협동조합 및 이사회 발표 

Announcing the Ethereum Classic Cooperative Board of Advisors

The ETC Cooperative (the “ECC”) was created to financially support the growth and development of Ethereum Classic by funding three key aspects of the ETC ecosystem: development, marketing, and community. To that end the ECC will be improving its management structure by establishing a Board of Advisors (the “BoA”) that will direct ECC funds towards ETC improvements.

The board will consist of 5 advisors: Elaine Ou, Igor Artamonov, Charles Hoskinson, Barry Silbert, and James Wo.

The Board of Advisors will be directing ECC capital towards:

  • Development – Supporting existing and funding new projects that benefit ETC
  • Marketing – Communicating what ETC is to those interested in blockchain
  • Community – Serving the community to encourage a fair and open environment that fosters collaboration

ECC will aid development by filling in gaps where projects are out of scope for our development teams and providing funding to projects that community members want to create.

ECC will improve marketing by communicating ETC’s message and helping newcomers understand the decentralized and open nature of ETC.

ECC will foster community development by making sure the various resources the community uses are well stewarded; this includes websites, social media, forums, and documentation.


About the Board of Advisors:

Elaine Ou is a Blockchain Engineer at Global Financial Access, a fintech company in San Francisco, and an advisor to the ETCDEV team. She can be found alternating between being brutally honest on Twitter and working on her ETC projects (EtherHub, and TokenMint). Her no-nonsense approach will certainly make her an important asset to the BoA.

Igor Artamanov is the head of ETCDEV and has been involved in ETC since our very first block after Ethereum forked. In the early days he was crucial to ETC’s survival and today is helping us thrive through his leadership at ETCDEV. ETCDEV is bringing many improvements to the ETC network including Sidechains and an excellent framework for developers. Examples of their work can be seen in Emerald Wallet, and ETC Geth which now has many improvements that Ethereum Geth lacks.

Charles Hoskinson helped found Ethereum and later found his way to ETC. He’s been one of our strongest proponents since the start, frequently advocating for ETC whenever he finds himself with a microphone and an audience. On the more practical side he has dedicated developers and resources to ETC through his company IOHK. IOHK has created new software for ETC in the form of Mantis (node software) and Daedulus integration (moving ETC into the de facto Cardano wallet).

Barry Silbert is CEO of Digital Currency Group and one of ETC’s earliest proponents, most recently established the ECC.  Barry is also the CEO of Grayscale Investments, the sponsor of the Ethereum Classic Investment Trust.  Ideologically aligned with ETC, he has taken a very hands-off approach which has helped ETC to grow organically with its own direction.

James Wo has been a long time fan of ETC and is heavily involved in the blockchain space through his company Digital Finance Group. Based in Shanghai, China, DFG is a diversified business group that focuses on investing in and developing blockchain technologies and digital assets. Its business segments consist of angel investments, venture capital, private equity, strategic investments, mergers and acquisitions.


Upcoming Announcements

Stay tuned for further announcements from the ECC including: The hiring of additional personnel, creation of a system for funding community-driven projects, a much-needed revamp of the ETC website, and even a few surprise announcements!


작년까지만해도 방향성과 미래비전이없다고 평가받던 이클이라면 이제 미래비전과 방향성을 보여줄사람들이 추가된거같습니다.

일에 능률도 오르고있다는게 보이는점이 최근에있는 결과물들을보면 개발속도를 알수있습니다.

4. 지금 이클 차트를 보면  이평선이 모아지고 삼각형되가고 가격이 떨어지면 폭팔한다는증거입니다.

  뭐사실 코인판은 차트가 아무쓸모없다고는 하지만 어느정도 기준 지표가될수있기떄문에 확인해보시는것도 좋습니다.


이상으로 서우모가 이클을 매집중인 이유입니다 . 

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